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Reflecting on 2019 and Future Plans

2019 was the year where I officially started this blog. It was in the summer where I decided that I wanted to create an outlet where I could put out my thoughts and opinions with the rest of the world in a much bigger fashion than I could do with stuff like Twitter. I didn’t really have anything for the YouTube business, although I do plan on making a name for myself on that site as well, so I decided to settle on blogging on WordPress. It was honestly one of the best decisions I made for myself, as it has been very fun writing on it and gave me a sense of fulfillment, even if my audience has remained pretty small compared to others.

Despite me starting my blog in the middle of the summer, I have shown to be pretty prolific, as I have made a total of 30 blog posts during that time, not counting my introductory post and this one. I have dozens of other ideas for posts that I want to make for this year. So much so that I don’t even know if I will be able to do them all. But hey, if I managed to pump out 30 blog posts in just half the year, I’m sure my plans for this year will be easier in a way.

I still have stuff like my AVGN retrospective that I want to finish from last year, but there are also one or two more retrospectives that I want to do. Those are a Nostalgia Critic retrospective that I am not looking forward to, and a Game of Thrones retrospective that I am semi-looking forward to. On top of that, this year is the year where I got back into and officially watching JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, so I also want to cover my journey with that series too.

With that out of the way, I also want to start doing collaborations with other writers on this site. I already have two in mind that I want to collaborate with, Lethargic Ramblings and Logy’s Blog, but if I can find some more people to do stuff with, I’m all for it. Of course, that all depends on a lot of different factors and is very uncertain, but I would enjoy doing it nonetheless. Great way to get involved in the blogging community I think.

As for individual posts, I already have drafts for things that I want to talk about, though I also want to expand my horizons when it comes to talking about stuff I want to talk about. I felt like I was limited in what I wanted to talk about last year, so this year I want to fix that and get into more things so that I have potentially more stuff to talk about. I would be killing two birds with one stone in that case, since I get to experience some new things and getting more knowledgeable on said things and thus give you guys more diverse content.

Anyway, I already have quite a hefty amount of individual posts planned out for this year on the back burner, so I’m going to try my best to get those out all this year. It may be difficult for me since I have been doing a lot of procrastinating, if this post is anything to go by, but if I can get out 30 posts in just half a year, I’m pretty sure I can get out less or more than that with nearly a full year at my display. Hell, if I go at it good enough, I may get them all out this month, but I think I am getting a bit ahead of myself on there.

One last thing before I go is that I want to finish this one book series that I am writing this year. I already have everything figured out on how I want the story to continue and conclude, now I just need to write the rest of the books. The first book was released at the start of last year, and ever since then I have been thinking a lot about the later books in the series. There is a possibility that me working on this series of books is going to slow down production of blog posts, but since my writing speed has significantly improved since I wrote the first book and thanks to writing a lot on here, I’m hoping it’s not going to be too much of an issue, if at all. If you are interested in checking out the first book, just go to Amazon and search up this one. Also, excuse the poor and lazy cover job, I am still trying to figure out how to make good book covers. I’m still a beginner and everyone starts somewhere, am I right?

Anyway, that’s pretty much all I wanted to say. I initially wanted to make this post covering my thoughts on all of my blog posts from last year, but it was getting to long and too boring for me to write and it probably would have been a slog for you guys to read through, so I decided to shorten it to this small update. Entering the blogging scene has been more fulfilling than I expected. I did want people to read my stuff, but the more I went on with this, the more I began to start writing more for myself than anything. I feel like with this blog, I can truly express myself and share my thoughts and ideas, and that is honestly just so much fun to do, and I feel that is what is most important when it comes to writing. Sure, you can have people read your work, but I feel what matters more is that you just simply enjoy writing what you want to write about. I gained a whole new perspective on what it means to be a writer, and that perspective has made writing for me so much more satisfying and fun than when I wrote for views. I write because I love writing, and I don’t think that passion will go away any time soon.

Here is hoping for a fantastic year for me and everyone else. Take care everybody. Peace out.